Teaching and Service


I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of talented students, particularly through CMU’s REUSE program and CMU’s AI Mentoring Program. I’m always happy to discuss possible mentoring opportunities for both academic and professional purposes, particularly for Latino students.

  • Dohyoung Ko (Penn State Undergrad)
  • Ziping Ye (Penn State Undergrad -> MS. UPenn)
  • Elena Gonzalez (CMU AI Mentoring Program - 2022/23)
  • Patrick May (REUSE Cohort 2022 -> BNY Mellon)
  • Paul Chung (REUSE Cohort 2022 -> Ph.D. UCSD)
  • Emily Chang (REUSE Cohort 2022)
  • Jenna Bustami (REUSE Cohort 2021)
  • Xinyue Lai (REUSE Cohort 2021 -> Apple)
  • Emma Hogan (REUSE Cohort 2020 -> Ph.D. UCSD)
  • Antonio Martorana (Independent Study & Master’s Thesis -> Qualcomm)
  • Hannah Pearson (Independent Study & Master’s Thesis -> Idaho National Laboratory)


  • S3D Faculty Search Committee Ph.D. Admissions - 2023
  • Societal Computing Ph.D. Admissions - 2022
  • REUSE Admissions - 2024/23/22/21


  • Fall 2023 - (TA) 07-300: ‘Research and Innovation in Computer Science’ (CMU)
  • Fall 2022 - (TA) 17-303/703: ‘Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, and Applications’ (CMU)
  • Fall 2017 - (TA) DS-300: ‘Privacy and Security for Data Sciences’ (Penn State)

Professional Service

Invited Talks & Presentations

  • 2024 “Falling Stars: How Reputation Systems Fail in Practice” - University of Washington Security Seminar (Seattle, WA)
  • 2024 “Falling Stars: How Reputation Systems Fail in Practice” - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Security Seminar (Champaign, IL)
  • 2024 “Falling Stars: How Reputation Systems Fail in Practice” - The Pennsylvania State University Security Seminar (University Park, PA)
  • 2024 “Falling Stars: How Reputation Systems Fail in Practice - Purdue University CERIAS Seminar (Online)
  • 2023 “Does Online Anonymous Reputation Matter?” - Cylab Partners Conference (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • 2023 “Risks in Cryptocurrency Markets” - Paraguayan Central Bank (Asuncion, Paraguay)
  • 2023 “Applications of Large Language Models for Enterprises” - Universidad Americana (Asuncion, Paraguay)
  • 2022 “Measurement by Proxy: On the Accuracy of Online Marketplace Measurements” - USENIX Security Symposium (Boston, MA)
  • 2022 “Introduction to Darkweb Marketplaces” - Universidad Comunera (Online)
  • 2021 “Observations From an Online Security Competition and Its Implications on Crowdsourced Security” - Workshop on Information Security Workers (Online)
  • 2019 “Overview of Cybersecurity in Paraguay: Challenges and Opportunities for the National Police” - Paraguayan National Police (Department of Financial Crimes), Asuncion, Paraguay

Other Appearances